Monday, September 6, 2010

Big girl bed

My Madison,
Today you took one more step further from being a baby. You are now sleeping in a big girl bed. We took the front of your crib off and put the rails up. You were so excited! The pic above shows how much fun you were having being in your new bed. We did it right before nap time and when I went to get you up from your nap and you were still asleep I thought you must have had a really good nap. Hahaha. I think you must have played a lot and then finally dozed off. You were a grouch all night. You were very excited to put the new bedding that Yaya got you onto your bed. I'll take a pic of that tomorrow. I am excited for you to be experiencing all of these changes and growing up. I am so glad that I get to be a part of it.
I had one more quick story to share. On Sunday we went to grocery store, just us. We walked up to CVS to get your medicine. You had to watch yourself walk by in all of the store fronts that we passed--maybe six of them. On the way back from CVS you stopped in front of the store fronts, bent down and then popped up saying peek! It was the cutest thing. You were peek a booing yourself.
Having a toddler is really the best. I get to experience and see things that I see everyday in a new and exciting way...through your eyes. When I sense myself feeling down about things in our lives I remind myself that you don't care. You love your life and that's all that matters to me.
Sweet dreams my big girl.
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1 comment:

  1. She looks sooooooo excited!! Love the peek-a-boo story too.
