Monday, November 22, 2010

Above, is how my two beautiful girls take a bath. What is missing is the audio of Maddy saying "MelMel too close" and then trying to push her away over and over again. I can understand her fear. Usually when they are this close Melanie will grab a huge hunk of Maddy's hair and pull. It's not pretty. Out of all the bath toys, Maddy only wants Mellie to have a crab but Maddy doesn't want the toys either. All she wants to do is waste all of the soap by pouring it onto her wash cloth and making herself "soapy".

Today was a sad day for me. But I guess in a way it was a triumph for me as a mommy. Maddy was having some trouble sharing a toy with Melanie and was just sitting there crying. I had to be tough with her even though her being so sad was making me feel just awful. Then I had to give her a 2 minute time out. It was horrible. I know that I am lucky because this is one of maybe five timeouts that I have ever had to give her but it sucks. I hate for my babies to be sad!!

On another note, both of them had flu shots today. Maddy did great! No crying or tears or anything. I was prepared...I bribed her with a lollipop. Mellie on the other hand started crying and reaching for me as soon as they started giving Maddy her shot. She was hysterical by the time they got to her. She did not want her bribe of the pacifier. They were both fine by the time we got home.

I am so looking forward to four whole days with my girls!!!
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